Live host discovery

Types of scans

ARP, ICMP, TCP, and UDP can detect live hosts. Any response from a host is an indication that it is online.

Scan Type Example Command
ARP Scan sudo nmap -PR -sn /24
ICMP Echo Scan sudo nmap -PE -sn /24
ICMP Timestamp Scan sudo nmap -PP -sn /24
ICMP Address Mask Scan sudo nmap -PM -sn /24
TCP SYN Ping Scan sudo nmap -PS22,80,443 -sn /30
TCP ACK Ping Scan sudo nmap -PA22,80,443 -sn /30
UDP Ping Scan sudo nmap -PU53,161,162 -sn /30


Option Purpose
-n no DNS lookup
-R reverse-DNS lookup for all hosts
-sn host discovery only